Promenade – Documentario Sonoro sul Parco

Produced by Fabbrica Europa

Sogno Creatore

By Giorgina Pi, Bluemotion Produced by Angelo Mai


By Pier Paolo Pasolini Directed by Giorgina Pi Produced by E.R.T

La Tecnologia del Silenzio

By Industrie indipendenti Directed by Giorgina Pi Produced by T.P.E.


By Giorgina Pi, Bluemotion Directed by Giorgina Pi Produced by Teatro Stabile di Genova


By Michela Lucenti/Balletto Civile Produced by E.R.T.


By Roland Schimmelpfennig Bluemotion, directed by Giorgina Pi Produced by Teatro Stabile di Genova


From the Kae Tempest novel “Hold your own” directed by Giorgina Pi, produced by Bluemotion/Teatro di Roma


By Kate Tempest Bluemotion, directed by Giorgina Pi E.R.T./Angelo Mai.

Not Not Not Not Not Enough Oxygen

By Caryl Churchill Bluemotion, directed by Giorgina Pi Radio3.

Settimo Cielo

By Caryl Churchill Bluemotion, directed by Giorgina Pi Teatro di Roma / Teatro di Cagliari / Angelo Mai.

Premio Ubu 2016

Caffettiera Blu

By Caryl Churchill Bluemotion, directed by Giorgina Pi Angelo Mai.

Favole al Telefono

Based on Gianni Rodari’s book, Bluemotion, directed by Giorgina Pi Angelo Mai.

Sono Nata il Ventitré

Played by Teresa Mannino.


By Guido Dettoni della Grazia


Based on the novel of Joel Pommerat, directed by Fabrizio Pallara Teatro delle Apparizioni.
Music for the stage adaptation of Pinocchio by French playwright Joel Pommeratt, directed and choreographed by Teatro delle Apparizioni. A musical experience that journeys through short preludes for piano that are reminiscent of Shubert Il Gioiello - (The jewel), distant echoes of Bach (La Madrfe - The Mother), and dark overtures a la Kurt Weill (La danza degli assassini - The Dance of the Assassins) and ends with Balokko Funk’s gypsy jazz dance.